I received my bug’s Birth Certificate today from Germany. Interesting. Confirms what I thought about the manufacture date, and the paint colors. It’s not a detailed, itemized history of the car, but it’s interesting to have. The car came into the US through Miami. I don’t know if was sold there, then re-sold in Alabama, or if it was shipped to a dealer in Alabama directly.
Tag: history
Car for the People
The 1963 Volkswagen 1200 (Beetle) was around $1595.00 According to an online inflation calculator, that equates to about $11,330 in 2010 dollars. That doesn’t sound inexpensive. But then again, according to the National Automobile Dealers Association, the average cost of a new car in 2010 is more than $28,000. So it does sound good by comparison. And when you put the old Beetle alongside the list of more fuel-efficient vehicles (on fueleconomy.gov), the Beetle is still near the top with 31.5 mpg.